Religious Education /Faith Formation for Children St. Maximilian Kolbe
Religious Education Classes for students in 1st Grade – 8th Grade are held weekly on either Sunday 10:45 am – Noon, Tuesday 5:15 pm – 6:30 pm, or Wednesday 6 pm – 7:15 pm from September through May.
Our Mission is to assist parents in passing on their Catholic faith to their children. Your son / daughter is important to us. We offer classes for continuous faith formation and full sacramental initiation for all grades. This is accomplished through age appropriate experiences and instruction, which build a community of faith, both within the religious education program and our St. Max worshipping community. Our program respects the individual child, provides personal support, and encourages a sense of belonging for each child.
We help families to live out their Catholic faith by encouraging them to pray with their children, attend weekly mass together, participate in parish activities, help the poor, contribute to the financial support of the parish, and to generally be a good role model of Catholic faith.
Religious Education Curriculum: Our continuous education program uses grade-level curriculum. Key topics of our Catholic faith are introduced at each grade level. The lessons prompt children to relate the knowledge of the faith to their own life experiences, as we live, worship, and serve together. Sacrament Preparation(2nd – 8th grade):
Sacrament preparation is a two year process.
For families on the traditional path of having their child baptized before they turn 7 years old, we offer a two year preparation for First Holy Communion beginning in First Grade/ Year 1 Communion. During the second year of preparation the child will receive the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion.
For those families not on the traditional path, we offer classes for older children (over 7 years old), who were baptized, but have not yet received their First Communion. These older children prepare for the sacraments with other older students. Sacrament Preparation(2nd – 8th grade): For children who have never been baptized and are 7 years or older, we offer a Children Catechumenate journey of faith based on the Rite of Christian Initiation Adapted for Children (RCIA) . In Year 1 they are placed in an age appropriate class with their peers. During Year 2 they attend our Sunday Session to prepare for the Sacraments of Baptism and First Communion. Both sacraments are received during the Easter Vigil Mass. Confirmation Preparation for Children: We offer Confirmation Preparation for 7th and 8th grade students, who wish to deepen their faith, and participate more fully within the parish community. This two consecutive year process includes weekly classes, Nights of Reflection, and participation in community service projects. Year 2 Confirmation candidates, who have shown readiness and a desire to receive, will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, when the Bishop comes to St. Maximilian Kolbe.
High School Sacramental Preparation: For students currently enrolled in High School we offer a preparation for sacraments through the RCIA High School process.
Volunteer Opportunities: Our Religious Education program exists because of our dedicated team of volunteers. At every session volunteer opportunities exist for adults. Our adult Catechists and Assistant Catechists commit their time and talent each week to assist families in furthering a Catholic identity. Some volunteers have or have had children in the Religious Education program, and some do not. We offer training for our catechetical teams at both the parish and archdiocesan levels. Other volunteer opportunities are in the Religious Education Office, on the Safety Team, Arts and Crafts Committee, or with special events.
High School Teen Assistants: High School students, who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, undergo an application process to be selected as a volunteer. They are assigned as a classroom Teen Assistant, to the RE Office, or to the Arts and Crafts Committee, or help at special events. These students have a desire to continue their Catholic faith, show leadership, and share the love of Christ with others.
All volunteers must comply with the Archdiocese of Miami Safe Environment guidelines.
Volunteers are the heart of Catholic ministry. Is God calling you? Make an appointment with Maryann Hotchkiss, Director of Religious Education, at 954-885-7260 or email: .
Office Hours:
Monday through Thursday: 12:00 Noon to 4:30 pm and during class hours.
Friday: Office will be closed.
For additional information, please contact the Director of Religious Education at (954) 885-7260 or use the online form on this page. Mrs. Maryann Hotchkiss Director of Religious Education Office: (954) 885-7260 Fax: (954) 885-7261 Email: