Fundraising activities serve at least two important purposes beside the obvious one of raising needed money for Parish ministries:
The ability to raise funds, however, and/or the desire for the benefits those funds would obtain, is not necessarily a compelling reason for raising those funds. Fundraisers should never overshadow the practice of stewardship; nor should funds be raised for unnecessary items when other essential needs in the Parish are not being met.
As a Stewardship community, the ideals would be that we constantly promote full participation in our efforts to have people respond in sharing their time, talent, and financial treasures. This would mean that if we were to fulfill the ideals of stewardship, there would be no need for fundraisers at all. At the very least, we should work to keep fundraisers at a minimum, and all groups who do have fundraisers must remember that they should be practicing stewardship to the Parish as well.