We meet every Thursday in the Chapel for Adoration from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm.
All High Schoolers are invited to join our Youth Group after the 6pm Life Teen mass, in the Education Center Room 204
All middle schoolers are welcome to join us on Tuesdays at 7-8:30pm in the Education Center Room 204
Jesus, the Bread of Life, TAKEN, BLESSED, BROKEN and GIVEN away so that all might be healed and have LIFE.
TAKE the lives of our teens. We offer them to You with open hands. Through the example of Jesus, teach them to surrender their lives fully to You.
BLESS them with the knowledge that they are Your beloved ones and that they truly belong to a community of love and mercy.
BREAK open their hearts so that the seed of the Word and the power of the Eucharist can be planted in fertile ground, take root and transform their lives.
GIVE these teens to the world with the power of the Holy Spirit to witness to the love of Jesus and serve Him in each person they meet.
Let this LIFE TEEN ministry be bread for the world. As Christ gave You thanks and fed many, may we give You thanks for this ministry and ask You to "multiply" it and nurture its growth for Your glory.
For more information on youth ministry at St. Max, please contact us via email at dvallina@stmax.cc or (954) 432-0206. You can also send your comments and/or questions using the online form below.