Do you feel that something is missing in your life? The Church welcomes all people who genuinely search for God. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is designed for people who feel a call to know more about Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith. People may experience ‘stirrings of the heart’, leading them to go to a local parish to make enquiries. The RCIA prepares adults for Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist (Holy Communion). Maybe you have not had the opportunity to complete all your sacraments. RCIA will assist you. Through RCIA new members enter the Catholic Church. The journey of faith is a lifelong process. We invite you to experience the Catholic faith within a small community of the faithful.
This formation leads to the reception of sacraments for both non-Catholic adults and for those baptized Catholic, but not raised in the faith. It’s also for Catholic adults, who have been actively practicing their faith, but never received the sacrament of Confirmation.
The RCIA process is a personal journey within a group setting. It is comprised of four phases.
For additional information, please contact Mrs. Maryann Hotchkiss, Director of Religious Education at (954) 885-7260. RCIA Team Leaders will be happy to answer any and all questions.